We released RedPen v1.9!

Support reStructuredText Formrat

RedPen now supports the reStrcuturedText fromat, which is one of the most popular light weight text format. reStructuredText has been applied to many professional technical fields such as manuals or books.

RedPen IntelliJ Plugin already supports reStrucuredText format.

Screen Shot 2017-10-09 at 15.57.32

Specify the language of Error Messages

From this version, users can select the language of error messages from RedPen.
Specifically users specify the language with --lang or -L parameter.

For example the following command outputs the error message with Japanese.

redpen -L ja -f markdown -c redpen-conf-ja.xml

Export RedPen settings files from RedPen Web UI

RedPen have supported Web UI to demonstrate the configuability of RedPen.

RedPen v1.9 provides Export button with which users can export the configuration settings which they have configured in RedPen web UI.



Future Work

Currently RedPen users need to remove validators, which are valuable but are difficult to remove them all. For the problem, RedPen v1.10 is going to support to selecting error level to each validator in the configuration file.

For example, the following is a sample of the configuration with level information.
We can see WordFrequency and Spelling are labeled as the info level.


<redpen-conf lang="en">
   <validator name="InvalidSymbol"/>
   <validator name="Spelling" level="info"/>
   <validator name="WordFrequency" level="info"/>
   <validator name="Hyphenation"/>
   <validator name="NumberFormat"/>


With parameter, -t or --threshold we can specify the threshold of errors.

In the default settings threshold value is error and therefore information level errors are not output. To flush the information level errors, we specify -t info in the RedPen command.


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